What Why is SurveyPole?


  • No more Drastic Discussions & Confusing Comments
  • Let's take a Vote
  • Because, Votes are louder than Comments
  • Be a Better Decision Maker

Story Reality:

Let's assume you are asking opinion on buying either Mobile1 or Mobile2.
  • First guy comments Mobile1 is good & Mobile2 is Average.
  • Then Another guy says Mobile1 is worst & Mobile2 is Awesome.
  • While you are just thinking,
  • Suddenly a Third guy comments that Mobile3 has a new feature you are never aware of & Suggests Mobile3 is worth the money.
Result: You are confused more than ever !!!

Are you going to simply buy the mobile or Comparing/Confusing/Commenting for like a month ?
No Surprisingly, one day before you were deciding, Mobile4 would have been released.
Still you can buy the Mobile4 with top-end features. But again, before you use all the features, your mobile will be outdated and becomes not worth for resale.

  1. List all the mobile options
  2. Create a Public Survey/Polling
  3. Be peace, focus and enjoy your life
  4. After 3 days, Buy the most voted mobile
Additional Note:
  • For Survey, you can use "Survey Pole".
  • A Survey/Polling Platform for everybody.
  • Reach at: https://surveypole.com
  • "Survey Pole" is not only for Mobiles.
  • It can be Movies, Sports, Gaming, Gadgets, Programming or Everything.
Thanks for Reading, Votes are Counting !

For more, email us: ceo.surveypole@gmail.com